Sunday, April 25, 2010

Infected with swine flu Ball - 30?

Dusseldorf - Due to the irresponsible behavior of a 17-year-olds now go on Cecilien High anxiety prior to the swine flu:
The youths had gone to his sister Abi-Ball, although it had already been strong symptoms of the disease.
"The 17-year-old was returning from London," said city spokesman Michael Miner. "After he was on Thursday at the ball, he reported only on Saturday at the university hospital - and tested positive for swine flu."
City and school were trying to identify all the contact persons. "30 people were still investigated on Sunday," said Bergmann. "The tests were negative - yet they must remain during the incubation period of seven days in home quarantine."
And he assured: "As the classmates no longer walk the nurse after graduation from school, they did not have to be closed."
Tested positive for swine flu was also a nine-year old American woman who came with her brother (11) from Los Angeles to spend the holidays with the grandparents.
Find out more: Swine influenza is now also in the Police> swine flu - cruise ship in quarantine> How dangerous the virus really? >

Monday, April 19, 2010

The 115-Test

Dusseldorf - The lost car registration, questions about the family, trouble with bohrwütigen neighbors - who do I contact?
Since Tuesday there is a simple answer. Was under the speed dial "115", a new hot-line connected to all questions to local authorities. But, what sort of new super number?
Day one of the "D115" Service Center - already there in the morning rush. "To Item 8 clock rang for the first phone," says project manager Reinhold Liesner. "Every hour, we had 50 to 60 calls." 33 employees lure the citizens of 8 until 18 clock through the office jungle.
The promises of "D 115": For the 150 most popular themes such as identity and lost property should be immediately obtained some information, for all other within a day.
Information is also available via the authorities of other cities who participate in the pilot project (for example Mulheim, Wuppertal and Duisburg).
How well the new system works in practice? EXPRESS took the test and asked, inter alia: What can I do against neighbors, drill the late evening? How can I sell my car if I have lost my car registration? When there are 100 euro extra child benefit?
The Test Result: All the questions could be answered within two to seven minutes, usually only a few seconds we hung on hold (negative record: 1:30 minutes). The employees seemed motivated and friendly.
If they have a question about the child allowance (100 euros extra there are way-off) in April, have not answered, the caller is forwarded to a competent contact person from the competent authority.
Less enjoyable than the precise information - it even gave directions to the authorities - were the resulting bills.
To call the "115" free from a landline seven cents per minute, from a cell phone up to 39 cents. "This is the technology behind the speed dial number funded," said city spokesman Michael Miner. "The city deserves to call it."
For bargain hunters, who know which authority is dealing with your concerns, keep the old numbers available. Information about other "115" cities is there is not.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mafia-trash meets Kölsch Cliques

Cologne - To-date was a "crime scene" before: mafia methods and Dumping of waste incineration Italian determine the action of thrillers on Sunday (ARD, 20.15 clock) - and especially in the real Cologne.
In the "crime scene" is only a charred and mutilated body added to the site of a waste management company in Cologne.
The Commissioners Max Ballauf (Klaus J. Behrendt) and Freddy Schenk (Dietmar Bär) are not making progress: the woman's body which was found on a rubbish dump, is mutilated and burned beyond recognition.
Quickly comes to the whole story, the garbage mafia into the game - and to Cologne: "The incinerator is much too large," says Ballauf in the "crime scene out." Random: In real life, has accurately determined that the administrative court in Cologne three weeks.
In the film, buys a large company in the waste and collected from. The garbage is mafia smaller recycling companies under pressure. And in Cologne from Sicily garbage is burned at dumping prices - what EXPRESS titled "discount for Mafia rubbish" (although it went to garbage from Naples) on 15 April reported.
"The film is ready for a year and tells a fictitious story," says producer Sonia Goslicki. "The Current, we might not: the reality has caught up with us. Glad to say. "
Names are not named in the crime - but who the Cologne waste scandal from 2002 to slush funds, corrupt politicians and fake donation receipts didn't remember knows who and what is meant. Ballauf and Schenk solved - of course - the case. EXPRESS tells - of course - nothing.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Thieves destroying our existence"

Bonn - The thieves were scavenging "only" booty - for Nico Göddertz (45) but the loss means the end.
"The machines were our livelihood," says his wife Margaret and fighting back tears. "They were the only thing my husband had yet."
The two machines procured plasterers Nico Göddertz five years ago - to the start of its independence.
If he was not using, they stood in a garage, Gerhard-Hauptmann-Strasse. There, the 45-year-old was a day, looked after things.
 As Göddertz was on the last Sunday off, so far suggested zu.Sie unknown burglars broke open a lock, then came to the site.
Deep tire tracks pointed out that they then use a small truck to the garage, which is located on the garden shed, drove up. There, the perpetrator heaved the huge gate, stole the two big machines, and a lawn mower (total: 17.000 euros).
Nico Göddertz Monday discovered the burglary. "He was devastated," says his wife. "Since he is away, talking to colleagues, whether you hear something." Bring on the black market, the stolen equipment, including a "PFT G4 Light", a few thousand euros.
 The couple also reported to display, but the police have no trace. "Our investigations are underway," said spokesman Christian Gräßler.
Especially bad: the scavenging were not insured. Margaret had Göddertz than two years ago, money was scarce, denounced the policy. "I will never forgive me ..." says the 62-year-old quietly.
 Who am 5. / 6. October at the Gerhard-Hauptmann-Straße observed a suspicious vehicle? Information, please contact the police, 150

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Shoot 'us to happiness!

Dusseldorf - The 18th June 1995: Fortuna 10,000 fans turning the stadium in Chemnitz in a red and white cauldron. It is Aufstiegstag.
Fortuna creates a second league rookie with a 2:0-Sieg direct passage into the Bundesliga. The supporters raced out completely to storm the place to dig themselves out of turf as a souvenir. The hero of the game: Vlatko Glavas.
With two matches of the Bosnians Dusseldorf Ballert into the elite league. "These are wonderful memories I will never forget. My time in Dusseldorf was the best of my life, "says the now 46-year-old. "I wish so much the rise Fortuna!"
What you need for Vlatko know exactly: "We have another great time understood us before the game even met privately and in this match, so we had to win, sworn." What is the current top scorer Axel Lawarée, regularly shines in two games as a scorer (modified from Babelsberg) Glavas was then in great shape: "I had scored six goals in recent games."
Now his legacy will strike. Glavas has not made a specific mandate to Lawarée: "Lot, Double Axel, 'We will shoot to happiness."
By Vlatko praised his successor: "Axel is cool at the gate, a very experienced striker. He may be the key man. "
No question that this scenario, the Belgium-bombers could well liked. "Nothing against it," says Lawarée grin. "If I get the chance, I try to reinzumachen the thing. But the most important that we win, because it seems to me entirely sausage, meets who. "
As the rest of the team is motivated by the hair ends up Axel: "It would be so horny for us, the club and the city, if our dream comes true. I want to experience this highlight important because it is perhaps the last of my career. "