Sunday, April 25, 2010

Infected with swine flu Ball - 30?

Dusseldorf - Due to the irresponsible behavior of a 17-year-olds now go on Cecilien High anxiety prior to the swine flu:
The youths had gone to his sister Abi-Ball, although it had already been strong symptoms of the disease.
"The 17-year-old was returning from London," said city spokesman Michael Miner. "After he was on Thursday at the ball, he reported only on Saturday at the university hospital - and tested positive for swine flu."
City and school were trying to identify all the contact persons. "30 people were still investigated on Sunday," said Bergmann. "The tests were negative - yet they must remain during the incubation period of seven days in home quarantine."
And he assured: "As the classmates no longer walk the nurse after graduation from school, they did not have to be closed."
Tested positive for swine flu was also a nine-year old American woman who came with her brother (11) from Los Angeles to spend the holidays with the grandparents.
Find out more: Swine influenza is now also in the Police> swine flu - cruise ship in quarantine> How dangerous the virus really? >