Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Thieves destroying our existence"

Bonn - The thieves were scavenging "only" booty - for Nico Göddertz (45) but the loss means the end.
"The machines were our livelihood," says his wife Margaret and fighting back tears. "They were the only thing my husband had yet."
The two machines procured plasterers Nico Göddertz five years ago - to the start of its independence.
If he was not using, they stood in a garage, Gerhard-Hauptmann-Strasse. There, the 45-year-old was a day, looked after things.
 As Göddertz was on the last Sunday off, so far suggested zu.Sie unknown burglars broke open a lock, then came to the site.
Deep tire tracks pointed out that they then use a small truck to the garage, which is located on the garden shed, drove up. There, the perpetrator heaved the huge gate, stole the two big machines, and a lawn mower (total: 17.000 euros).
Nico Göddertz Monday discovered the burglary. "He was devastated," says his wife. "Since he is away, talking to colleagues, whether you hear something." Bring on the black market, the stolen equipment, including a "PFT G4 Light", a few thousand euros.
 The couple also reported to display, but the police have no trace. "Our investigations are underway," said spokesman Christian Gräßler.
Especially bad: the scavenging were not insured. Margaret had Göddertz than two years ago, money was scarce, denounced the policy. "I will never forgive me ..." says the 62-year-old quietly.
 Who am 5. / 6. October at the Gerhard-Hauptmann-Straße observed a suspicious vehicle? Information, please contact the police, 150