Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cosma Hagen Diva at the German Comedy Award

Cologne --
What to do if you want to have definitely a lot of attention - but it would not be like afterwards: Woman makes it as Cosma Shiva Hagen at the party to the "German Comedy Award" in Coloneum.
For the ceremony they came through the back door after the show but she then went out front - and did everything to do most annoyed, as the VIP photographer they would kindly photographed.
Even then she was irritated when she knocked at the locked exit door. And then, more than annoyed when she had rüberlaufen - very uncool - the unlocked gate. Nina Hagen The subsidiary has since been renamed: For Cosma Cosma Shiva Diva.
Much more in size - and obvious satisfaction showed Hugo Egon Balder (59) and his beautiful Sabah Meller (30). "We're just so happy. Then it just looks that way, "enthused the radiant Sabah.
Wedding bells or coming into view? "No, everything is perfect just as it is," said the sexy brunette. And what makes the comedy Grandmaster - happy next to his loved ones - in particular? "I'm looking forward now to November, on the geese time. The I eat it morning, noon and night, "claimed Balder.
Being two years younger TV-mate Mike Kruger (57), it was at the party, meanwhile, much more leisurely approach and just celebrated on the back burner: "I must get out very early in the morning. So I can not take so long, "he told us.
The strongest of the evening gown actually came from Playmate Annica Hansen: "May we not say yes, but I've totally bought cheaply. At Zara. It is rather short, but I thought it was totally gay. "And, although sexy Annica solo, they all went home alone:" Although I have no boyfriend, but I'm not looking. "
In the very hot phase of the party went to the Comedy Award at the hotel's Savoy - even at breakfast time bar and lobby were still completely full. Here, then romped greats such as Mario Barth, Dieter Olaf Schubert Nuhr or completely relaxed with beer and other liquid delights.
Who the prices of the evening has been cleared - everything runs Friday from 21.15 clock on RTL. Allowed laugh.