Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rani and Pali: choke-attack!

Dusseldorf - man, is there fire in it! On Wednesday morning. Fortuna's only training in the Arena Sports Park. About a half hour before the end. Duels at the border, striker Ranisav Jovanovic and Defense Recke Robert Palikuca motivated up to the hair tips.
The duo says is "nice things". The insults fly back and forth. Verbal provocation, which always work on. Then Palikuca is played. The central defender shields with arms extended from the ball, Jovanovic back to it. The attacker tried to the leather to come, get off a push.
Then the ball is gone. But the tandem does not cease to offend alternately. Suddenly, the two roll around on the lawn. Everyone has the other in a headlock, they strangle you! Jovanovic sits on Palikuca. Players stormed up to separate the two fighting cocks.
"It was warm, the adrenaline level was high," said head coach Norbert Meier later. The trainer intervenes, stops the game. "So you can not. Therefore, I have run the first tight lads, "said the 50-year-old. Saturday fight burn Movers Fortuna Union and to the top job in the second division - and the Düsseldorf!
"I'm expecting an emotional game that both teams lead with passion," said manager Christian Beeck Berlin before the strength of the 3-0 start winning. "I want to see greedy eyes."
As for Fortuna, he can obviously rely on it ...
Can the Dusseldorf this commitment, this determination in a reasonable way of kick-off away to bring in the big game, then there can be after the hot hit in the pandemonium "Old forester's only one winner: Fortuna.