Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"I'll be the next Viva-VJ"

Tuesday decides to those moving into the final and the new "VIVA VJ is.
Under www.maxiking.de the vote - and I'm in the final. Absolute madness!
I want the next leader will be there, because I think it is time for new types of music TV. The girls are currently well in the majority - VJ January urgently needs support!
I think I would fit into the team well both visually and in character, and of course I want to entertain the audience - as I have entertained even as a Scout X-EXPRESS-readers.
I want to make my hobby into a profession - and fully up to speed as the next VIVA moderator. And it looks damn good! Through my work as an X-Scout, various show presentations on the side of Collien Fernandes and advertising projects I was able to gain experience.
But now there is THE opportunity for me. Among all candidates, the jury has chosen me among the "Top 10". Will you help me? On www.maxiking.de you can vote me. I would be glad of any animal voice and I'm pleased of course, if you like my video. Many like it - and many have already chosen me.
The sense is clear: I am on my way to becoming a TV star. Tuesday evening ends with the vote. So please, from Tuesday right yet for me. We express readers must stick together!