Monday, May 31, 2010

Pirate drama is coming to a

Nairobi - The hostage drama off the coast of Somalia threatens to sharpen. According to CNN, a total of four hijacked by pirates ships have taken courses on the lifeboat, on the U.S. skipper Richard Phillips> was being held.
The U.S. military has intercepted radio messages, the report says the pirates. Among the ships involved will be on the hijacked "Hansa Stavanger. There are on board including five German.
On the opposite side of the frigate USS Halyburton "has stationed in the war zone" USS Bainbridge reached. A third war ship should arrive within the next 24 hours in the Horn of Africa.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"I'll be the next Viva-VJ"

Tuesday decides to those moving into the final and the new "VIVA VJ is.
Under the vote - and I'm in the final. Absolute madness!
I want the next leader will be there, because I think it is time for new types of music TV. The girls are currently well in the majority - VJ January urgently needs support!
I think I would fit into the team well both visually and in character, and of course I want to entertain the audience - as I have entertained even as a Scout X-EXPRESS-readers.
I want to make my hobby into a profession - and fully up to speed as the next VIVA moderator. And it looks damn good! Through my work as an X-Scout, various show presentations on the side of Collien Fernandes and advertising projects I was able to gain experience.
But now there is THE opportunity for me. Among all candidates, the jury has chosen me among the "Top 10". Will you help me? On you can vote me. I would be glad of any animal voice and I'm pleased of course, if you like my video. Many like it - and many have already chosen me.
The sense is clear: I am on my way to becoming a TV star. Tuesday evening ends with the vote. So please, from Tuesday right yet for me. We express readers must stick together!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lambertz was launched with a gastrointestinal infection

Dusseldorf - What a rollercoaster of emotions within a week. At Emden Andreas Lambertz gelbgesperrt had to watch as his colleagues converged on little.
In Munich, the captain showed one of his best season performance, prepared the winning goal. And then this: The night before the Stuttgart-game home Lumpi sought a gastrointestinal infection. "I've puked twice," he said after the game. Nevertheless Lambertz held by more than an hour before he was ruled out by the place.
A fatal sticking point in the game, as his replacement so obviously did not want. "A very bitter pill," said Lumpi the two points thrown away. "We need to swing such a thing back home. The bad thing is that we had but 89 minutes in control. "If the setting is wrong, the enemy enough but just sometimes a scoring chance ...
"He was deathly pale when he came off the bench. It has been noticed that he was suffering from dehydration. With his retirement we lacked the Stabilizer, "Meier mourning after the loss of his leading players. And added, with a view on the replacement: "That's all I am not better, or I forget myself yet."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rani and Pali: choke-attack!

Dusseldorf - man, is there fire in it! On Wednesday morning. Fortuna's only training in the Arena Sports Park. About a half hour before the end. Duels at the border, striker Ranisav Jovanovic and Defense Recke Robert Palikuca motivated up to the hair tips.
The duo says is "nice things". The insults fly back and forth. Verbal provocation, which always work on. Then Palikuca is played. The central defender shields with arms extended from the ball, Jovanovic back to it. The attacker tried to the leather to come, get off a push.
Then the ball is gone. But the tandem does not cease to offend alternately. Suddenly, the two roll around on the lawn. Everyone has the other in a headlock, they strangle you! Jovanovic sits on Palikuca. Players stormed up to separate the two fighting cocks.
"It was warm, the adrenaline level was high," said head coach Norbert Meier later. The trainer intervenes, stops the game. "So you can not. Therefore, I have run the first tight lads, "said the 50-year-old. Saturday fight burn Movers Fortuna Union and to the top job in the second division - and the Düsseldorf!
"I'm expecting an emotional game that both teams lead with passion," said manager Christian Beeck Berlin before the strength of the 3-0 start winning. "I want to see greedy eyes."
As for Fortuna, he can obviously rely on it ...
Can the Dusseldorf this commitment, this determination in a reasonable way of kick-off away to bring in the big game, then there can be after the hot hit in the pandemonium "Old forester's only one winner: Fortuna.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Now he wants to Klose's regular place

Mönchengladbach - After the 2-1 win against Russia, he still pushed mightily frustrated. Not even been a substitute Patrick Helmes. Now the world for the top scorer again looks rosy.
A substitute against Wales at the break for Miro Klose. And with the Leverkusen-Star, the Post went off in the DFB-team.
"One got the feeling that he really wanted to make a goal," praised coach Joachim Löw.Helmes would have achieved after nearly an hour, almost the opening goal. But the crisp, he could not bring the ball over the line.
 Now the ex-Cologne is on the jump to the root strength. Stuttgart's Mario Gomez, he has left with the Wales game in the DFB hierarchy behind. Kevin Kuranyi anyway. Only Miro Klose is still before him.
FC coach Christoph Daum said: "It's just a matter of time before Patrick will regulars. The arrest is no more. "

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cosma Hagen Diva at the German Comedy Award

Cologne --
What to do if you want to have definitely a lot of attention - but it would not be like afterwards: Woman makes it as Cosma Shiva Hagen at the party to the "German Comedy Award" in Coloneum.
For the ceremony they came through the back door after the show but she then went out front - and did everything to do most annoyed, as the VIP photographer they would kindly photographed.
Even then she was irritated when she knocked at the locked exit door. And then, more than annoyed when she had rüberlaufen - very uncool - the unlocked gate. Nina Hagen The subsidiary has since been renamed: For Cosma Cosma Shiva Diva.
Much more in size - and obvious satisfaction showed Hugo Egon Balder (59) and his beautiful Sabah Meller (30). "We're just so happy. Then it just looks that way, "enthused the radiant Sabah.
Wedding bells or coming into view? "No, everything is perfect just as it is," said the sexy brunette. And what makes the comedy Grandmaster - happy next to his loved ones - in particular? "I'm looking forward now to November, on the geese time. The I eat it morning, noon and night, "claimed Balder.
Being two years younger TV-mate Mike Kruger (57), it was at the party, meanwhile, much more leisurely approach and just celebrated on the back burner: "I must get out very early in the morning. So I can not take so long, "he told us.
The strongest of the evening gown actually came from Playmate Annica Hansen: "May we not say yes, but I've totally bought cheaply. At Zara. It is rather short, but I thought it was totally gay. "And, although sexy Annica solo, they all went home alone:" Although I have no boyfriend, but I'm not looking. "
In the very hot phase of the party went to the Comedy Award at the hotel's Savoy - even at breakfast time bar and lobby were still completely full. Here, then romped greats such as Mario Barth, Dieter Olaf Schubert Nuhr or completely relaxed with beer and other liquid delights.
Who the prices of the evening has been cleared - everything runs Friday from 21.15 clock on RTL. Allowed laugh.